Our History

Before the classroom addition

Before the classroom addition

Scott Trinity United Methodist Church (UMC) stands today on property bequeathed by John Stahl at the corner of Sandusky County Roads 11 and 32.  The first church building was erected, dedicated on Nov. 12, 1871, and enlarged during the late 1940s.  On July 2, 1950, the cornerstone to the current structure was pieced and included the following tribute to donated labor: “Much of the work was done by men of the church and Sunday School, not just when it was convenient for them, but many times they left their crops stand in the field while they worked on the house of God, or worked until midnight at the church after working on their farms all day.  Only eternity will reveal the roll call of all those who were laborers together with God.”

During its early years, the church was a part of  numerous Evangelical circuits, beginning as a class led by George and Barbara Hartman, Pennsylvania Evangelical Converts of Jacob Albright.  The Hartmans took up residence in 1833 just one and half miles east of where the present Scott Trinity UMC now stands.

In 1959-62, the Trinity Evangelical United Brethren Church was incorporated.  By action of the 1962 session of the Ohio Sandusky Conference, the church became a station and was given a new name.  Scott Trinity, by vote of the congregation.  The congregation was assigned its first full-time minister in 1962 and the first pastor moved into the new parsonage in 1964.  In April 1968, the Evangelical United Brethren and Methodist Churches in America were merged and Scott Trinity United Brethren Church became Scott Trinity United Methodist Church.

Scott Trinity was returned to a two-point charge in 1969 when there was a shortage of ministers in the conference.  In 1971 it joined a four-church parish which shared one full-time and a part-time pastor until 1976 when the Northeast Parish ceased to exist and Scott Trinity again became a station, this time with a student pastor.  Student pastors served the congregation until 1985 when the congregation voted in favor of a full-time minister.  In 1988 the district superintendent asked the congregation to return to a student charge, assigning Rev. Gustavus Christo-Baker from Sierra Leone, Africa, to the congregation.

Pastors who have served the congregation since the last church pictorial directory was published in 1974 are:

  • 1973-1976: Owen K. Wright, Herbert Helsel
  • 1976-1979: Thomas Culberson
  • 1979-1980: Lester “Sparky” Sessoms, Jr.
  • 1980-1981: no pastor (1 1/2 years)
  • 1981-1983: Robert D Wright
  • 1983-1988: Robert S. Iddings
  • 1988-2004: Gustavus Christo-Baker
  • 2004-2010: Susan St. Peter
  • 2010-2015: Kay A. Hatch
  • 2015-2018: Marla Brown
  • 2018-2021: Steve Colon

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